Payment for services

Voucher replenishment
Cards for refilling the account of denominations: 100, 150, 200 грн.
Privат 24
Cards for refilling the account of denominations: 100, 150, 200 грн.
I - way (if you are logged into Internet banking the usual way)
Select the "Payments - Payments in Ukraine" tab in Privat24.
Enter your details:
Recipient: ELL "Gigabait+"
PRIVATBANK (Account to pay for internet to for Television)
П/р: 093266100000026009054102658 в МИКОЛАЇВСЬКЕ РУ АТ КБ "ПРИВАТБАНК"
МФО: 326610
ІПН: 2014173400064
Код ЄДРПОУ: 43771182
Payment purpose: Payment for Internet access service for "specify month" by PIB.
Payment Purpose: Payment for subscription of the First Name Television service.
Your name is your data, ie the person with whom the contract was concluded: Surname, First name, Last name.
Choose the desired payment destination and amount.
Click Continue
Check that the data is correct.
Then click "Send to Cart - Pay"
You still have the option of making this payment REGULAR. Before sending the payment
You need to check "Make a Payment Regularly" in your cart so that you can pay for yourself online every month without any effort.
We draw your attention to the fact that in order to pay through Privat24 it is obligatory to have a contract of a new model with LLC "SCREEN". The contract number is the same as your UID code, which is displayed in the "Personal account".
II - way (login to internet banking via "Private office Screen")
Further according to the photo instruction:
PLEASE NOTE that when you pay via LiqPay the amount immediately goes to the subscriber's account and Internet access is opened instantly. For this purpose it is obligatory to have a contract of a new sample with LLC "SCREEN". The contract number is the same as your UID code, which is displayed in the "Personal account".
Login to online banking regarding payment through LiqPay (through "Private office Screen")